Hilaturas Mar, S.L., carries out the project "Internationalization Plan in Hilaturas Mar 2017" financed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE)

During the year 2017 Hilaturas Mar, S.L., has carried out the project with the title "Internationalization Plan in Hilaturas Mar 2017" financed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) included within the Support Program for the internationalization plans of the SMEs of the Valencian Community in 2017 and co-financed by FEDER funds, with a grant of €5,090.88.
Hilaturas Mar obtains help from FEDER funds to broaden its horizons to make itself known as a textile company in Europe and South America
An internationalization plan has been carried out, in order to substantially expand its sales, making itself known in Europe and South America. To this end, the products have been presented at the international fairs in Frankfurt and Milan, and commercial trips have been made to Germany, Italy, England and Colombia.